4 May 2022
Artwork from @juliesquid for @openscapes (illustrated by @allison_horst).
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
1992: Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka develop an early version of R for teaching.
1995: R released under a GNU public license
1997: CRAN and R Core team established
2000: R 1.0.0 released
April 2022: R 11th in TIOBE rankings
At the Black Crow Cafe, Auckland, NZ
(source: R. Ihaka)
1993 - shared vias Statlib, others start to use CRAN - 12 packages originally
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
Only ~11% women/non-binary package maintainers.
Similar over-representation of men in general user community
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
"heR" panel at useR! 2014 raised awareness of gender disparity
In 2015:
R Foundation founded 2003
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
Note already had some diversity scholarships and made some recommendations
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
Widening participation in R Foundation activities:
useR!, R Journal, CRAN, R project
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
Core Team: Heather Turner, gwynn sturdevant, Jonathan Godfrey, Kevin O'Brien,
Noa Tamir, Yanina Bellini Saibene,
Saranjeet Kaur, Michael Lawrence, Anna Vasylytsya,
Andrea Sánchez-Tapia, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, Emma Rand
Plus >20 sub-team members!
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
Non-profit business association set up as Linux Foundation project
Inclusion, diversity equity and accessibility
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
2012: Gabriela de Queiroz founded group in San Francisco
Later: Twin Cities, Taipei, London
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
Currently 216 Chapters (source: R Community Explorer)
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
2016: R Consortium grant to start
> 20 conferences
free/low-cost locally organized
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
Forwards recommendations implemented
Rainbow R established
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
Latin America:
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
@LatinR_Conf / latin-r.com
@AfricaRUsers / africa-r.org
@AsiaR_comm / AsiaR-community
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
LatinR chairs:
AfricaR leaders:
AsiaR founders:
ArabR team:
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
MiR Community aims to support historically underrepresented R users around the world.
- MiR community Slack
- Blog
- Webinars and tutorials
- Support RStudio instructor certification
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
Co-founders: Danielle Smalls-Perkins, Dorris Scott
Silvia Canelón, Liz Hare, Audris Campbell,
Andy Murtha, Meenakshi Kushwaha, Ola Giwa, Zane Dax
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
rOpenSci unconfs (2014-2019)
Tidyverse Developer Days (2019,2020)
(source: B. Milz)
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
First year (2020-2021):
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
Novice-friendly topics
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
Saranjeet Kaur
R Development Guide
Collaboration Campfires
Lluís Revilla Sancho
R Bugzilla analysis
Michael Chirico
Michael Lawrence Translations tutorial
Kara Woo
R-Ladies link, RWeekly
Slack moderator
gwynn sturdevant
MiR link
Gabriel Becker
Martin Mächler Contributing tutorial
Plus several others joining meetings, contributing via github.com/r-devel/rcontribution
heatherturner.net/talks/DiveRSE2022 @HeathrTurnr
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