class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Publishing and Promoting your R Package ### Heather Turner ### March 5, 2020 --- # Not yet written a package? Take a look at these resources! - Earo Wang's R-Ladies talk "Everything you need to know to create your own R package" - Maëlle Salmon's satRdays workshop - Forwards Package Development Workshop -- Update with Johannesburg satRday 2020 workshop materials soon! --- # Why publish on CRAN? - Sign of quality - Code is ready to be used (not a beta version) - Basic standards: documented code, running examples, etc - Works with current version of R and other packages - Commitment of maintainer - Discoverability - Ease of installation - Bioconductor, rOpenSci: even higher standards, code review --- # Preparing for CRAN release <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">As someone who hopes to submit their first package 📦to CRAN this year… what should I know? 😳</p>— We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies) <a href="">February 13, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> --- # Useful resources - Hadley Wickham's R Packages gives good advice: - `usethis::use_release_issue()` creates a GitHub issue with a checklist. - See also - - - Useful functions for additional checks: - `goodpractice::gp()` - `spelling::spell_check_package()` --- # Promoting your package - Some promotion will/may be done for you: CRANberries, R Views Monthly Top 40, search engines (vignette/pkgdown site) - Some channels are obvious: website, blog, Twitter (#rstats) - Consider RPubs or gist for one-off tutorial/case study, e.g. - - - Publicize your new package via R Weekly - Add to the weekly news blog, see [CONTRIBUTING](, and example pull requests [new package](, [new version]( - Would your package fit in a CRAN Task View? - Check description for how to propose addition --- # Talks - Meetups: RUGs, R-Ladies, satRdays - Conferences ( - **General**: useR!, rstudio::conf, satRdays - **Specific**: Insurance Data Science Conference, BiocAsia 2020 - **Non R-specific**: ??? - Conferences provide greater exposure, particular to people working in relevant field(s). - Don't forget to share your slides! (Conference/personal website, LinkedIn, RPubs, Slideshare) --- # Paper - A paper not only promotes your package but benefits from peer review - Paper can also overlap with vignette - Traditional journals: - **Open Source Software**: The R Journal, Journal of Statistical Software - **Computing**: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, SoftwareX - **Science**: Bioinformatics, PLOS ONE, Method in Ecology and Evolution - Alternative journals: - F1000research Bioconductor/R package gateway: publish, then open review - Journal Open Source Software: open code review, short descriptive paper --- # Research compendium - A *research compendium* can showcase your work in a reproducible workflow - Could demonstrate a protocol/pipeline vs research study. - Advice on how to structure a research compendium is given by rOpenSci: - The research compendium can be published on Zenodo, Figshare or Dryad - DOI points to a particular version (e.g. matching results in a paper) - Example using R: --- # Interacting with users - Add a `BugReports` url to your `DESCRIPTION` - Using GitHub issues means that people can see if bug already reported and what action has been taken - Consider creating an RSS feed for relevant StackOverflow questions - DIY based on search terms: - Based on package tag (requires >1,500 reputation to add tag) - Bug reports/help requests - Can show where documentation/tests need improving - Help you find out who's using your package and what for - Can give ideas for new features - Can lead to collaborations --- # Interacting with developers - Add a `` to your GitHub repository - Do you have a style guide? - Reminders to run check/tests/add NEWS item to pull requests - Use tags to highlight issues: the following are promoted by GitHub - `help wanted` - `good first issue` - Add a code of conduct: make sure everyone knows ground rules for happy collaboration and a welcoming community - `devtools::use_code_of_conduct` adds Contributor Covenant - Be prepared to enforce! --- # Don't keep it to yourself! <img id="anim" src="" style="width:800px;height:400px;">