class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Diversity and Inclusion in the R Community ###
Heather Turner
Forwards taskforce
β β
7 March 2020
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[@R_Forwards]( ] --- # Background Action from the community initially focused on women .pull-left[ - heR panel at useR! 2014 raised awareness of gender disparity - Forwards taskforce set up in December 2015 - R-Ladies Global set up in August 2016 ] .pull-right[ ![Chair and panelists at the heR panel at useR! 2014](her_panel_and_chair.png) ] --- # Forwards (est 2015) R Foundation taskforce to widen participation of underepresented groups - Social media - Twitter: @R_Forwards - Blog: - Community - Conferences - On-ramps - Surveys - Teaching --- # Other initiatives - Wider Community - Conferences/workshops - Women in Data Science (est 2015), Black in AI (est 2017) - Meetups - Women in Machine Learning & Data Science (est 2013), Queer in AI (est 2018) - The Carpentries (est 2018, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Roadmap 2019) - NUMFocus Diversity & Inclusion in Scientific Computing (DISC) (est 2017) --- # Other initiatives - R Community - rOpenSci - unconf (est 2014) - Community Manager (since 2016) - Tidyverse developer day (est 2019) - R Consortium Diversity & Inclusion Working Group (est 2018) --- # R-Ladies Currently 188 chapters ![Cumulative counts of R-Ladies chapters over time, from 2012. Less than 5 groups before 2015, steady growth since then to 188](growth.svg) --- # R-Ladies Chapters spread over 52 countries ![Pie chart representing proportion of groups in geographic regions. About one third US, one third Europe, 20% Latin America, the remaining approximately 15% in Australia, Asia and Africa](piechart2.svg) --- # Current Challenges -- User Community - outreach beyond white women -- Developer community - widening participation from underrepresented groups --- class: inverse middle # User Community --- class: middle # Underserved Regions --- # useR! Regional Hubs - Pilot in Munich this year - Hoping to scale up next year to include hubs in e.g. Africa, Latin America, Asia - reduce environmental cost with maximum in-person interaction - reduce financial cost - reduce travel time - potential to allow languages other than English - potential to incorporate remote participation - avoid visa issues --- # AfricaR Community ([@AfricaRUsers]( .pull-left[ - Started in 2019 - Newly expanded leadership team - **Shelmith Kariuki - Kenya** - **Denis Irorere - Nigeria** - Mohammed Ali - Egypt - Ahmadou Dicko - Senegal - Anicet Ebou - Ivory Coast - Nelda Limilimi - Uganda - Vebashini Naidoo - South Africa ] .pull-right[ .center[New leadership team] ![Map of Africa, showing home countries of AfricaR leadership, with AfricaR logo](africar_leadership_with_logo.png) ] ??? - have been able to develop several RUGs and had two SatRdays. - been able to really bring together R users in their respective regions, who did not know each other before - leadership has representatives from Egypt, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya and South Africa --- # AfricaR Activities - 2019: several new RUGs, two satRdays - Plans for 2020: - Write governing documents (mission statement, CoC) - Rotating curator Twitter account - Tutorials in French - Website (events calendar, blog) - Package(s) to address African needs, e.g. NLP package that supports Arabic, Swahili, etc. --- # Get Involved .pull-left[ - Follow [@AfricaRUsers]( - Share your contacts - Potential speakers/hosts for meetups, workshops - Reuse your talks/workshops - Present at RUGs when travelling - Offer to present remotely - Join in with AfricaR plans for 2020 - Help with organization of community finances? ] .pull-right[ <a class="twitter-timeline" data-tweet-limit="1" href="">Tweets by AfricaRUsers</a> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> ] --- class: middle # Minority Ethnic/Racial Groups --- # The Importance of Community <blockquote class="twitter-tweet tw-align-center" width = "450"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dear Danielle,<br><br>Remember these incredibly brilliant, talented, and kind women data scientists whenever you feel like βthe only one,β on a team or in a space. Thanks to <a href="">#rstudioconf2020</a> for bringing us together! <a href="">#rladies</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Danielle Smalls-Perkins (@smallperks) <a href="">January 29, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> --- # MiR Community Medium post by Danielle Smalls-Perkins and Dorris Scott: [MiR: A Community for Underrepresented Minority useRs]( - Conference support: abstract review - Mi-useR Slack: network and share opportunities - Social media and blog posts: highlight Mi-useRs - Mi-useR directory: members, speakers and Rstudio trainers - MiR dev days: making contributions to the R open source ecosystem --- # Get involved - Let people in your workplace/RUG/etc know about MiR - Join MiR as a minority useR or ally: []( - Follow [@Dorris_Scott]( and [@smallperks]( - Support the MiR initiatives --- class: middle # Disabled and Deaf useRs ??? - Some people do not identify as disabled (e.g. some Deaf, Blind, Autisitic folk etc) - Some prefer person-first, some prefer identity first --- # R for Blind Users Jonathan Godfrey has provided many resources - [Let's Use R Now (LURN)]( e-book for blind users - [BlindRUG]( mailing list - BrailleR package - text descriptions of graphics - WriteR software to produce R markdown documents - Tips for writing [accessible markdown documents]( --- # Accessibility of R Conferences/Events Liz Hare has been leading the development of [best practices for events]( Informed call for proposals for useR! 2021, e.g. asking if venue had - step-free access - disabled parking close to venue - gender-neutral bathrooms - policy allowing children on premises Aim to integrate recommendations throughout organization for 2021. --- # What you can do - Educate yourself/others on accessibility - Expect disabled people at your events - including as speakers, chairs, committee members, etc - remove barriers to inclusion, don't wait for people to ask - Give feedback on/help develop best practices - (R-specific) advice for creating accessible/inclusive presentations - advice for social media managers ??? - chicken-and-egg problem (don't see them so don't accommodate; don't see them because their no accommodated) - planning with accessibility in mind from the start saves time and money over retrofitting. - remove barriers --- # General tips for creating inclusive communities - Organizers: use best practices in your events - Noa Tamir is working on [guide for meetups]( - Expand your network - Support the initiatives of underrepresented groups - Share opportunities - Do what you can to lessen/share the burden ??? sponsoring --- class: inverse middle # Developer Community --- class: middle # Developer Meetings --- # Developer meetings co-located with useR! Directions in Statistical Computing (2014-2019) - Both invited speakers and invited participants - Mostly R Foundation members, plus special guests - Prior to useR! R Implementation Optimization and Tooling - Open call for speakers, open to useR! participants - Parallel with useR! --- # Barriers to Inclusion Invited workshop - Special guests can feel out of place - Community members that would be interested are left out - Information is not shared Satellite meetings - Not same effort to reach out to underrepresented groups - Very little promotion to general community - Details hidden away on separate website Hard for people from underserved regions to get involved --- # Work in Progress DSC 2020 - Speakers are invited, but anyone can attend RIOT 2019 - First time RIOT was advertised on useR! 2019 website Room for improvement - Better promotion of events, with a focus on diversity - Alternative formats (e.g. breakout session) to enable new contributors - Sharing information, e.g. recorded talks, blog post --- class: middle # Package Development --- # Package development workshops Forwards package development [workshop materials]( - Full day and 2 hour versions - Workshop run in Auckland, Budapest, Chicago, York, Johannesburg - Upcoming Montevideo - Working on [guide]( for others to run workshop at RUGs, R-Ladies groups, universities, etc --- # Reluctance/Nervousness to Submit to CRAN - Bad experience on CRAN/official mailing list - Decide to not to publish/host on GitHub - Hoops to jump through - A lot of information: CRAN Repository Policy, Checklist for New Submissions - Feedback can be unpredictable and underspecified - Involved process: updating NEWS, DESCRIPTION, running checks and tests - R-package-devel provides limited support - can still be an intimidating experience - focus on specific questions --- # Basic Onboarding? - Potential for basic onboarding service for first-time (underrepresented) submitters - guidance through checklist - help with errors/issues that come up in checks/tests - help solve issues identified by CRAN - give guidance on resubmission as they "graduate" - Work with CRAN support team to keep Checklist for New Submissions up-to-date - c.f. [collaborative list of things to check]( --- class: middle # R Core --- # Python Core Dev: Adding Women to the Team > I want at least two female core Python Devs in the next year > > — <cite>PyCon 2015, Guido van Rossum</cite> From [Victor Stinner's PyCon 2019 talk]( 2016: 0 women core devs<br> 2017: 2 women core devs<br> 2018: 4 women core devs<br> ~ 30 active core devs ??? Benevolent dictator for life --- # Process of Becoming a Python Core Developer .pull-left[ Mariatta Wijaya described process in her [PyCon 2018 talk]( - Read the Dev Guide []( - Join core-mentorship and python-dev - Find issue in - Propose pull request *All* these steps can be done by non-core members ] .pull-right[ ![Contributor pyramid from user (at the bottom) through community member, contributor, core team/leaders to Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL), but this is crossed out](contributor_pyramid_cross.png) @mariatta ] --- # Getting to be Invited to Be a Python Core Developer Promotion to core dev depends on trust Trust earnt by core devs getting to know people via - Pull requests (PRs) - PR review - Interacting on mailing lists, IRC, Zulip - Becoming a Developer on issue tracker (able to triage issues) --- # Mentoring Victor Stinner in his [PyCon 2019]( proposes mentoring as a scalable solution to both *core dev burnout* and *lack of diversity* Recent/current work by Python Core devs ([Ref1](, [Ref2]( - Move to GitHub (2017) - Document promotions process (dev guide) - Mentoring guide - Contributor tutorial - Core dev office hours (public and private) - Adding enforcement procedure to code of conduct ??? typically a few emails a week, less onerous than GSoC --- # More Ideas from Other Communities Rust: [mentored projects]( (diversity scholarships) - mentees invest 2-5 hours per week over 3 months - expenses paid scholarship to Rust conference following year Various: [outreachy projects]( for underrepresented groups - paid internship, 40 hours per week over 3 months - require mentor(s) to invest 5 hours per week ??? vs 2-3 hours for google summer of code project --- # Outreach from R Core - Call for help [Reviewing Bug Reports]( (R Developer Blog, October 2019) - At useR! 2020 - outreach slot adjoining keynote talk - parallel session dedicated to R Core speakers - tutorial by Tomas Kalibera on contributing to base R - Considering "Requests For Proposals" on perceived deficiencies in R - community teams propose solutions --- # Summary We can all support community-driven efforts for better inclusion of under-represented groups - Forwards is playing its part here A lot of ideas from outside and inside R community of how to get more contributors from under-represented groups - Currently don't have enough active members on Forward on-ramps team - Needs active participation of R Core and other contributors